BYJU’s-Learning in a well-rounded way

What is a well-rounded education?
As many educators believe, a well-rounded education is more of a necessity than a luxury. To succeed in the ‘real world’, one needs to know how to integrate various skill sets. Students, most importantly, must learn to be prepared for this interdisciplinary reality of the real world that is beyond the four walls of their classroom. Ideally, a well-rounded education prepares students for this real world. It motivates them to go beyond just one discipline and pushes them to expand and test their limits. Given an understanding of numerous subject areas, students can have the opportunity to choose from a wide array of skill sets so that they open the doorway for an infinite future filled with potential.
According to the, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), students who receive a well-rounded education are better prepared for higher education because they are provided with the opportunity to develop a wider range of knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.
BYJU’s Early Learn App

BYJU’s, India’s very own EdTech company is collaborating with teachers from all over the nation and entertainment companies like Disney to ensure that education is imparted in a way that is both enjoyable and rich-in-knowledge.
Known as the Early Learn App, BYJU’s has partnered with Disney to offer lessons in an enjoyable, engaging, and efficient method. Fashioned for children between the ages of 6-8, BYJU’s Early Learn App offers individualized and interactive lessons wherein Disney’s stories and characters take over the screen. Consisting of animated videos, games, stories, and quizzes that will not only hold your child’s attention, BYJU’s ensures that your child also learns academic concepts and retains the knowledge. Creative activities not only allow students to express themselves in an articulate way and help discover what stimulates them, but is also extremely essential for their brain development.
BYJU’s Immersive and Intuitive Learning

Furthermore, BYJU’s online lessons are tailor-made for each student. More time and practice will be dedicated to concepts that the child has trouble learning, and s/he will be rewarded for mastering topics. The app personally helps your child manage their time and excel at both what they are good at and also in topics they have trouble with. Following each lesson, the student is given quizzes and practices to hone their knowledge in the topic that was just taught. This helps them reinforce lessons and theories learned and put things that they learned in context.
It is not new that children shy away from topics that are challenging for them. When BYJU’s app notices that your child is struggling with a topic, it gives them more explanation and practice in that specific topic in a way that it will be grasped easily. When students are pushed beyond their comfort zone and gain mastery over a topic previously considered a challenge, their self-esteem improves significantly. Attempting new things help your children to become more assured in their capabilities. This optimistic boost leads to enhanced social, personal, and academic performance. Also, through participating in a range of activities, particularly ones that they find complicated or challenging, students realize and appreciate the value of resilience and the need to adjust and be accommodating, which is undoubtedly a key skill to surviving in the ‘real world’.
At the very least, these simple but entertaining methods of learning provide pleasure and respite for students who are otherwise under pressure and anxiety from their studies, which helps in contributing to their overall health and well-being.
In conclusion, it is clear to see that the amalgamation of creative methods in traditional teaching styles are not exclusive of one another, but rather complement each other so as to provide a well-rounded education. BYJU’s believes that the future of the nation hinges on students being given an excellent well-rounded education that will prepare them to productively participate on a global stage and engage as citizens.