Which Programming Language to Choose for Beginners?

Every now and then a new computer programming language is introduced into the digital world, while Wikipedia claims there are lesser than 1000 programming languages, others say there are closer to 10,000. So, with so much confusion and so many languages, which is the programming language you should learn?
Before I give you the answer, I want to ask you the following questions. Dude why do you even need programming? Why are you making your life miserable? Are you not happy with a peaceful life? You might have seen memes about programmers having a hard time? Those memes are actually true!!
Okay, I get it. It’s your life and your choice. Have fun 🙄

First you need to know that different programming languages deal with different requirements. Your area of interest and the field you want to pursue will be a key factor in choosing the right programming language.
[To those who are new to programming languages, here is a quick intro to the basics. Computer programming languages are codes or syntaxes that are used by humans to communicate with computers and vice versa]
C Language: It is the fundamental programming language that every programmer should learn. It combines features of both high-level and low-level languages. As a low-level language, it can be used for scripting codes for drivers, compilers, kernels, and such. As a high-level programming language, it can be used for scripting codes for OS (operating systems), software applications, etc.
C++: C++ is a programming language that contains features of the C language as well as features of Simula67 (a first object-oriented language). C++ combines concepts of class and objects. C++ has versatile applications it can be used to script codes for GUI applications, 3D graphics for games, real‑time mathematical simulations, etc.
[Fun Fact #1:
- C++ was earlier called “C with Classes” as it contains all properties of C languages.
- The primary difference between C and C++ is, C is a procedure-oriented language and C++ is an object-oriented language.
- C languages are referred to as C Lang in programmers slang/vocab.
- C language follows a Top-Bottom programming approach, whereas C++ uses a Bottom-Top approach.
- C languages inspired C# (# is read as sharp) a contemporary programming language.
- If you learn C programming languages, all other programming languages will be easy to understand and learn.]
Up next is the juggernaut of computer programming language.

Java: Although java has a similar syntax as C and C++, it can be pretty hard to program. Java works on the principle of “write once, run anywhere”. The applications of Java are endless. Some of the applications of Java are:
- Develop programs that can run in web browsers & access web services.
- Develop server-side applications for HTML forms processing, stores, polls, online forums & such.
- Develop powerful & efficient applications for practically any electronic device such as (mobile phones, micro-controllers, wireless modules, sensor gateways, remote processors, etc.
[Fun Fact #2:
- Java was a programming language developed originally for interactive television technology in 1991, sadly it was way ahead of its time i.e. it was too advanced for the digital cable industry in 1991.
The original name for Java was ‘OAK’ and in 1995 it was renamed as Java. The name was chosen by James Gosling while having Java coffee near his office.
Java brings us to our next programming language JavaScript, but wait, are they different? Yes, they are different.
JavaScript (JS): It is a common tendency of non-tech people to get confused with Java and JavaScript, just because it has the word ‘Java’. As mentioned earlier Java is used for all server-side applications whereas JS is used for developing client-side scripts for functions like validation and interactivity. JS is used for applications like:
- Adding interactive behaviors to web pages.
- Develop web and mobile apps.
- Building web servers and developing server applications.
- Game development.
[Fun Fact #3:
- JavaScript is the gold mine of web development world. Learn JS along with Node JS and if you pull this out successfully, my friend you’ll be selling like hot cakes in the market. You will be in such demand.
- Platforms such as Google Flutter and Facebook React use JS for mobile and web app development.
The average salary for an Intermediate Web App Developer in India is ₹ 7,50,000 PA.
Now that you know your options and their uses, which one will you use? Let me know in the comment section below.
Thank you for this insightful article praveen