Moses of the Ants

It was a beautiful sunny day, when Jack, a golden retriever, started pawing and causing ruckus to a species that was fighting for survival and save their race. The little ants were just going back to their home with all the meals they could carry. But no the retriever was adamant.
The ants weren’t dumb to give up their daily wage and so they started sprinting in a line. They marched over and under everything that crossed their path, but along came the ‘Laxman Rekhaa’ that brought them to a halt. Jack the retriever had no idea what he had done but he seems to have won the battle with all those ants left in the loop of just circling.
Jack having no clue how it all occurred, startled with confusion on their movement. Jack was stuck there being amazed by the uniformity that they all portrayed.
Quaackk!! A sound was heard; the ADHD in Jack woke up and ran to where could have been the source of the sound.
While Jack was distracted, there was one phoenix present among the ants stuck in the circle, realizing with each turn that it’s all going wrong. Praying to all the elephants he had helped, marched forward to break the circle leading the entire army back home. He became the Moses by doing the impossible, departing the loop itself.
Moses who led a very simplistic life till then became the savior and the leader they never had. An ant to a prophet, the transformation was complete. He never dreamt it like that but an act of courage that was lacking among the crowd raised him to the stature of a leader.

He wasted no time in addressing his crowd.
Moses : Death came to greet us but the one above used me as an instrument and so till today we were the hunted; tomorrow, we will be the Hunters!
Crowd : Cheers!
Moses : The one above has spoken to me asking everyone to offer something they love as a token of gratitude. I will be the messenger and the mediator between you and HIM.
The crowd reluctantly agreed but asked for his word on their safety and so he gave. Henceforth, a prophet was made and what followed it were simply triumphant adventures.
Today approximately 4000 years after that, the ant community has statues of Moses built everywhere, their currency has an image of Moses and libraries are filled with books of his great adventures. Moses is also prayed to by the majority with even temples being packed by idols of Moses. They believe he was chosen to save the world. The legend continues………..