BYJU’S & Vision Rescue: Educating Children in Slums

BYJU’S Education for All is a social initiative to empower 5 million children from underserved communities by 2025. An ambitious mission of this scale can only succeed in collaboration with mission-aligned partners who fully understand the power and potential of education. Vision Rescue is one such partner. Recently, BYJU’S and Vision Rescue have joined hands to provide educational support to children living in Mumbai slums.
What is “Vision Rescue”?
Their tagline says “Reaching out with Love”. Out of the over 23 million individuals living in Mumbai, 54% live in slum communities. 70% of the children in these communities are malnourished and many of them are uneducated and in high-risk situations. With a little love and care, Vision Rescue seeks to empower these individuals and bring dignity to entire communities. Vision Rescue is a Mumbai-based charity organization that is dedicated to changing the lives of slum children by giving them a dignified life. It provides education, healthcare, and social support to children living in the slums of Mumbai.

BYJU’S and Vision Rescue together for “BYJU’S Education for All”:
BYJU’s saw a huge potential with respect to how they, as an EdTech player, could change the lives of these children. BYJU’S, in its mission to empower 5 million children by 2025, provided 50 devices loaded with BYJU’S learning content to children under the joint effort with Vision Rescue. Children were given these refurbished devices to continue their learning amid the pandemic.
These devices were collected under the BYJU’S Give Initiative, refurbished, and then loaded with BYJU’S learning resources to help children in need. Also, Vision Rescue has set up a group of 40 representatives within the community who would guide children with their digital education.
This noble initiative of BYJU’S and Vision Rescue will encourage children to continue learning with these preloaded digital devices. The main objective is to provide education to everyone regardless of their social and financial background.
Vision Rescue’s ground report on the digital divide says more than half of the daily wage laborers of Mumbai Slums are not equipped with a smartphone — a big handicap for digital learning and connecting with the world. This is where initiatives like BYJU’s Education for All and BYJU’s Give makes all the difference.